
Privacy Policy


MKS takes the highest possible level of security measures within the framework of the relevant legislation in order to ensure that your personal data is collected, stored, and shared in accordance with the law and to protect your privacy. With the awareness of this responsibility, 6698 s.k. As a data controller, we process your personal data as explained below and within the framework of the legislation.

1) Identity of the Data Controller and Representative
The scope of the processing of your personal data by MKS as a data controller in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law (“KVKK”) numbered 6698 is explained below.

2) Purpose of Processing Personal Data
Your collected personal data can be processed by MKS in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the legislation for the following purposes:
Carrying out the necessary work by the business units of our Company in order to carry out the commercial activities carried out by MKS in accordance with the legislation and Company policies and carrying out activities in this direction;
* Determining the human resources policy of MKS and conducting and executing its activities;
* Determining, planning, and implementing the short, medium, and long term commercial policies of MKS;
* Ensuring the commercial, technical and legal security of the relevant persons with whom MKS has a business relationship and providing contact with these real/legal persons;
* Protection of MKS’s commercial reputation and the trust it creates;
* To comply with the information storage, reporting, and information obligations stipulated by the relevant legislation by official institutions, to fulfill the legal obligations we are subject to regarding the use of these services;
* In order to determine and implement the commercial and business strategies of our company; financial operations, communication, market research, and social responsibility activities, purchasing operations (request, offer, evaluation, order, budgeting), internal system and application management operations, management of legal operations;
* Examining, evaluating, and responding to requests from official authorities or related persons;
* Ensuring the security and supervision of the company’s physical spaces through camera recording and other systems;
* Fulfilling the burden of proof as evidence in legal disputes that may arise in the future;
* It is processed within the scope of the terms and purposes of processing personal data specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.
* Your data are classified within the scope of automatic decision-making in order to process the necessary business and information within the scope of our activities. This situation is obligatory for the reports to be created and the documents to be submitted to the relevant organizations.
The processing of your personal data is legally and contractually obligatory, and if your data is not provided, it is impossible to carry out the commercial activities of real/legal persons who have a business relationship with the company, to fulfill the notifications and obligations required under the legislation, to ensure the execution of human resources activities, to ensure legal-technical-commercial security. will become.

3) To Whom and For What Purpose the Data Can Be Transferred / Transfers Abroad
Personal data are transferred to the following persons by MKS within the scope of articles 8 and 9 of KVKK, limited to the purposes listed above:
* Persons and institutions permitted by the Turkish Commercial Code, Turkish Code of Obligations, Labor Law, and other relevant laws and regulations,
* With institutions, organizations, persons, and companies ordered by legally authorized institutions and organizations, administrative and legal authorities, and special legislation;
* Real and legal persons with whom we purchase products and services and cooperate,
In case of transfer, the domestic institution and/or enterprise to be transferred will also be asked if there are KVKK compliance and data security.
According to Article 9 of the Law, the transfer of your personal data abroad;
* Having the explicit consent of the person concerned,
* Existence of cases specified in the Law in the transfer of personal data to countries with sufficient protection (countries deemed safe by the Board) (conditions specified in paragraph 2 of Article 5 and paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Law),
* In the case of personal data transfer to countries where there is not sufficient protection, in the presence of situations specified in the Law (conditions specified in paragraph 2 of Article 5 and paragraph 3 of Article 6 of the Law), sufficient protection is undertaken in writing and the Board’s permission is present, can happen. The Personal Data Protection Board will announce the countries deemed safe.

4) Given Collection Management and Legal Reason of Persons
In order to carry out our activities, your personal data is collected by our Company through different channels (verbal, written, electronic media) based on legal reasons for compliance with legislation and Company policies, execution of contracts, explicitly prescribed by law, legitimate interests of the company. In accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the KVKK, your personal data can also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.

5) Period of Keeping Personal Data
Your personal data are kept for the period stipulated in the relevant legislation or required for the purpose for which they are processed. The following criteria are taken into consideration while determining the maximum duration:
* The period accepted as a general practice in the sector in which the data controller operates within the scope of the processing of the relevant data category,
* The period that requires the processing of personal data in the relevant data category and the legal relationship established with the relevant person will continue,
* The period during which the legitimate interest to be obtained by the data controller will be valid in accordance with the law and good faith, depending on the purpose of processing the relevant data category,
* The period during which the risks, costs, and responsibilities to be created by storing the relevant data category depending on the purpose of processing will continue legally,
* Whether the maximum period to be determined is suitable for keeping the relevant data category accurate and up-to-date when necessary,
* The period during which the data controller is obliged to keep personal data in the relevant data category in accordance with his legal obligation,
* The statute of limitations determined by the data controller to assert a right based on personal data in the relevant data category.

6) Rights of Personal Data Owner enumerated in Article 11 of Law No. 6698
As personal data owners, if you submit your requests regarding your rights to the CDS through the methods regulated in the MKS Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy, which has been shared with the public at www.mkskablo.com, our company will finalize. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board will be charged by MKS.
In this context, personal data owners;
* Learning whether personal data is processed,
* If personal data has been processed, to request information regarding this,
* Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used appropriately for their purpose,
* To know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,
* To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to notify third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
* Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of KVKK and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to request the third parties to whom the personal data has been transferred,